! Note : You must be logged on as Administrator to continue !
- Click " Computer " then " Programs " and " Windows Mail ".
- Right click " Windows Mail " then choose " Properties ".
- Go tab "Security and click " Advanced ".
- Click on the tab "Owner ".
- In line Current Owner noted" TrustedInstaller ".
- Click " Change ".
- Select your session and check " Replace owner on sub containers and objects ".
- Click " Apply " and confirm with OK.
- A warning message appears , click OK.
- Return tab "Security.
- Click " Change " to give full control to your session.
- A window pops, check " Full Control " and click OK.
- Close all open windows .
- Retrace "C: \ Program ".
- Rename the old folder " Windows Mail " in " Windows Mail7 ".
- Copy Folder " Windows Mail " Vista folder " Programs " Seven .
I'll need to install Win-7 64bit, on a spare HD to see if I can indeed get Windows Mail working with the latest fix I have.