The internet cache of Internet Explore contains information collected during your navigation. This information is used by the browser to not reload the page from the server every time you visit.
The navigation is much more rapidly. However , it should not let cover fill indefinitely because :
The navigation is much more rapidly. However , it should not let cover fill indefinitely because :
The more cover is important, more research information is long. This which, ultimately, causes a slowdown navigation. -
When cover is full, the browser may operate erratically ( unable to save images in . gif example).
You can empty the cache on demand or automatically at the close of Internet Explore.
Clear cache to the application:
The menu Tools / Options Internettab General, Click Delete Files. Then in the box dialog that opens , check Delete all offline content LoginThen click OK.This will not delete nor cookies, nor History.
Clear cache automatically close Internet Explorer:
If you want empty the cache automatically, in the Tools / Options Internet / Advanced tab , check Empty Folder Temporary Internet Files folder when browser is closed, click OK
Again cookies and Historical be retained .
Remove all traces of surfing:
If you want remove all traces of browsing , you need more remove cookies andHistorical as follows:
In Tools / Options Internet /tab General, Click Delete cookies, Then Clear History.
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