For some time I had this banner update that was displayed on the blog administration interface . I obviously tried the automatic update , but unfortunately , it does not work ! Wanting to find where the problem was I tried to change the login / password . I looked toward the chmod , nothing. I tried to install plugins, still nothing ! I am determined to use the good old ... Research ! Thus I discovered that I was far from alone in this problem, as it is often the case . If such concerns seem to be due to some security restrictions of the host , a simple solution exists for others . It was also necessary to find , hidden in the shadow of a forum !
Simplyadd a few lines of code to your. htaccess file :
AddType x- mapp -php5. php AddHandler x - mapp - php5 . php
That's it ! These two lines should normally solve this problem permanently !
Good blogging , automatic !
The upgrade process will affect all files and folders included in the main WordPress installation.